Sunday, 24 May 2009

Tweet Tweeeeeeet!

Yes Gus is now Tweeting you updates from twitter onto his blog here.

He is very aware that he does not have time to update his blog here as often as he would like so he has created a Twtter account and is trying to update more often, see the feed on the right for more info.

Have you added him as a friend on facebook yet? search for Gus Brown, he is the only one that is a dog!

Sunday, 22 February 2009

Pictures again

First off was a pic of Gus I will be using for one of my university assignments, he was such a good boy because it took me ages to get the perfect shot and he just sat there good as gold!

And here are some more slightly random pictures.

Above Gus with laser eyes and his cuddly Eiffel tower, below is Gus being used as a pillow by Ian... and yes my dog lays like a frog!

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Red Paws, from a different perspective

Like a lot of the country this week in Southampton we have had our fair share of snow, Monday we woke up to white, and it was still snowing a little. 

Gus looked in amazement at all this strange white stuff that was cold, then realised the bits from the sky where like rain, but then realised that snowballs where great fun.

However he later realised that all this light fun snow stuff had a dark side.

Grit- was applied heavily to most of the pavements around our area, this roughened up  Gus's paws a lot, but there was worse to come.

They ran out of grit by Tuesday so where just pouring down bags of salt.

Now for Gus's already damaged paw pads, OUCH!

He was not a happy bunny and I don't blame him, I have spent a lot of time bathing his paws to get the nasty stuff off and applying cream to fix the cracks a bit.

I can say his paws are a lot better now and things have stopped freezing over but there is still allot of grit about!